Services Available

Tarot Readings

All Tarot readings are delivered as a PDF document including an image of your spread and a detailed write up (at least one paragraph per card pulled).


Allyship Tarot Reading


I created this custom spread in June 2020 in an effort to integrate this spiritual practice with the important work of allyship. Utilizing this spread, I will perform a reading for you to help you identify steps to become an even more effective ally.

In keeping with the spirit of this reading, 25% of the proceeds of this reading will be donated to either a charity supporting BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) of your choosing or WI Voices (an organization dedicated to fair, accessible elections).

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3 Card - General Reading


I will generally utilize one of the following spread styles:

  • Situation | Action Recommended | Likely Outcome -or-

  • Past | Present | Future

When you book, I will ask you for the question you'd like me to read. Know that the more open-ended the question (e.g., not a simple yes/no), the more guidance you'll receive.

Please note that I do not do readings for physical health/pregnancy or legal matters.


4 Card - General Reading


I will generally utilize the following spread style:

  • Situation | Obstacle/Challenge | Action Recommended | Likely Outcome

When you book, I will ask you for the question you'd like me to read. Know that the more open-ended the question (e.g., not a simple yes/no), the more guidance you'll receive.

Please note that I do not do readings for physical health/pregnancy or legal matters.


Astrological Event Tarot Reading

Price varies based on spread

I create custom spreads for various astrological events! Examples include:

  • New Moons

  • Full Moons

  • Planetary Retrogrades

  • Zodiac Seasons

Select whichever you like from my posts (you will be able to indicate this after selecting this service) and I will perform that spread for you.

Check out my Instagram feed for the latest spreads.


Astrological Consultations

All astrological consultations are conducted over Zoom and include a recording of your session.

Natal Chart Reading

Contact for Pricing

A natal chart, or birth chart, is a snapshot of the positioning of the stars at the very moment of your birth. It’s like your own personal map!

In this 60-75 minute reading - done over Zoom - you’ll learn how the planets influence your life. You’ll also gain insight into your signature element, which one needs activation, and what tools you have at your disposal to truly unleash your potential.

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Solar Return Reading

Contact for Pricing

Each year is an opportunity to reinvent, reinvigorate, and refocus. This one hour consultation done over Zoom serves as a compass for the year ahead. I’ll help you identify areas which may need increased focus, what opportunities for growth may be available to you, and how to best prepare.

While Solar Return readings are a snapshot of the positioning of the stars on a given birthday, a 12-month ahead reading can certainly be done at any time throughout the year.